What is a Co-op?

A consumer co-op is a business owned and democratically governed by its customers. Our purpose isn’t to accumulate profits for investors, but rather to meet the goals and aspirations of our community. Any surplus we generate is reinvested in the business or returned to our owners at the end of the fiscal year.

As an organization we support and align with the International Cooperative Alliance’s 7 Cooperative Principles.

Seven Cooperative Principles

  • Voluntary and Open Membership
  • Democratic Member Control
  • Member Economic Participation
  • Autonomy and Independence
  • Education, Training and Information
  • Cooperation Among Cooperatives
  • Concern for Community

Community ownership is at our core

The ability to become an owner of the co-op distinguishes our store from other food grocers. Here you have the opportunity to own a part of our business, and this gives you a voice in how we conduct business and the services and support we provide. Ownership also provides additional savings in our store through owner specials and monthly discounts.

We cultivate and sustain a local economy right here in Minneapolis. When you spend your dollars as a Wedge Community Co-ops owner, they stay in farm fields down the road and commercial kitchens around the corner. We’re proud of the way co-ops have transformed how people think about food and farming, and together we will continue to pioneer change.

Learn more about owner benefits →

Our owners share in our success

  • Active governance
  • Monthly deals
  • Patronage refunds
  • Community impact