from our fiscal year of July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016
You probably know that the Wedge donates a lot of food, money and time to various organizations in our community, but most don’t realize how much. When the Wedge’s annual net income is about $200,000, it puts it into perspective how generously the Wedge gives back.
$50,000 of WedgeShare grants were distributed to these organizations, selected by you:
- The Aliveness Project: $5,000
- Appetite for Change: $7,650
- Compatible Technology International: $3,700
- Farmers’ Legal Action Group: $7,750
- Midtown Farmers Market: $7,000
- Open Arms of MN: $7,600
- Shared Ground Farmers Cooperative: $5,000
- Tree Trust: $6,300
$302,719 in food to local food shelves
$49,440 to Midwest Food Connection, which supported 249 lessons at seven Minneapolis schools.
- Midwest food connection: 20 years of teaching kids. It was decades ago when the Wedge began teaching kids in schools about fruits and vegetables, whole grains, local foods, and sustainable agriculture. In 1996, the outreach became its own nonprofit, Midwest Food Connection, which is now celebrating 20 years of educating and inspiring elementary children. Check them out
43,000 samples of new foods were distributed to K–8th graders at 44 schools for True Food Taste Tests.
$6,000 worth of gift cards in various amounts to 140 organizations like…
- Will Steeger Foundation
- Free Arts MN
- Spark-Y
- Wildlife Rehabilitation and Release
- American Cancer Society
- Urban Roots
Ever rounded up at the register? That’s Change Matters. And a total of $34,331 was raised that way for:
- Vision Loss Resources
- Simpson Housing Services
- Joyce Food Shelf
- Groveland Food Shelf
- Right to Know MN
- The Beez Kneez
- MN FoodShare
- College Possible
- Venture North
Staff volunteered 175 hours at organizations like…
- Friends School Plant Sale
- Free Arts Minnesota
- Full Cycle (Pillsbury United Communities)
- Hennepin County Library Bookstore
- KFAI Radio
- Lyndale Community School
- Midwest Food Connection
- Open Arms of Minnesota
- Open Streets
- MN AIDS Project
- Simpson Housing Services
- Stable Pathways
- Twin Cities Public Television (TPT)