A Twin Cities Co-op Partners Year in Review
We just wrapped up 18 months as a consolidated co-op. Here’s a look back at the highlights.
- Change Matters raised nearly $200,000 for 17 community groups
- New partnership with Local Crate
- NEW at the Wedge — 4 flavors of self-serve Feral kombucha on tap
- Refreshed spaces at the Wedge
- Brand new website
- Lower prices on nearly 2,000 items
- Fresh Rustica baked goods in all stores every day!
- New meal solutions from our kitchen
- Introduced 3,144 new items
- New deli salads and heat and serve meal options for other co-ops and retailers
- First retailer to carry Rise Bagel
- 386 owners joined CAP to save 10% every day!
- Refreshed spaces at Linden Hills
- Record sales in our catering business this October!
- $240,000 in food distributed to local food shelves
- 55 new CPW customers
- Co-op exclusive Cultivate Coffee in partnership with Peace Coffee
- 1,673 new owners joined the co-op!
Owner Update
Our owners received $850,000 in owner discounts this fiscal year. That’s $100,000 more than fiscal year 2017 and $200,000 more than fiscal year 2015. With the power of improved scale, we were also able to lower prices and provide regular sales through our weekly Fresh Flyer and Flash Deals.